Thursday, January 27, 2011

31 weeks 6 days

So...I'm getting over this whole thing. I'm trying not too - especially considering we are no where near ready to have a baby in the house but nonetheless - here I am. OVER IT! LOL! The fatigue has hit me big time these last few days - partly because I went to California for the weekend and went non-stop for three days - partly because I'm 7 months pregnant and HUGE! Last night I had Braxton Hicks contractions every time I stood up and could NOT get comfortable anywhere. I was OK if I was laying down but I have stuff to do. As much as I love to sleep - I still have to work here baby!!

Anyway, enough of my bi***ing. On to exciting news...our furniture comes for Harper's room next Tuesday!! YAY!! We cleared out the room yesterday (ok - Marc and Mike cleared it out but I supervised!) and we'll (ok Marc) will start painting on Friday! Yippee! I can't believe in less than a week we'll go from full guest room to nursery! Jensen is very excited and thinks she's going to help paint the room - "orange, and black, and brown, and purple, and pink. All colors!" I keep trying to tell her it will only be purple but she doesn't really care. So this weekend we'll be very busy getting the house together. My nesting instinct has kicked in so I'm very eager to have a room to start going through her clothes and all the other stuff that you need. I was so lazy with Jensen I just put everything in boxes and didn't really go through anything. I am going to pay for that now! Oh well.

My trip to California was great. The weather was GORGEOUS! 68 degrees anyone??? Holy moly it was nice. I got to spend some time in SF with Kelly - and go to a grown up restaurant and a bar on a Thursday night. WHAT??!! Then some family time and more time with my girlfriends. Jenny looks AMAZING - she's just glowing and is so excited to be a mom. She's going to do great - I'm so happy for her and Kevin. It was a whirlwind of a weekend but it was a lot of fun. It only took two days for my feet to go back to "normal" - you know pregnancy normal. On Sunday my right foot/ankle was out of control - talk about cankles! Yipes! But now they are just nominally swollen. Oh joy!

Jensen stayed home with Marc and they had a very fun daddy/daughter weekend. They went to Disney Live! and saw some princesses and Mickey and Minnie. Swimming, Red Robin, and lots of coloring I heard. I don't think she missed me much that's for sure. She and her Daddy had a great time - I loved coming home (I got a huge running hug at the airport...TEARS!) and listening her babble on about all the things they did together. I love their bond and it just makes me feel so much better about having to spend so much time with Harper in the next few months. They are both such blessings in my life...sniff, sniff.

I'll post next week with pictures (I PROMISE!!!!) of the nursery and possibly a picture of my huge belly. It grew so much this weekend. I'm huge - but it's all belly this time. Woo hoo! Hope you all have a great weekend!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

30 weeks 4 days

Holy smokes! We are in the single digits of week counting...only NINE more to go! Good thing we are moving right along on the nursery. Oh wait, we aren't! Sigh. Marc threw his back out this weekend when we were going to get started so now we're exactly where we were last week. A room full of furniture - that is not fit for a baby - with beige walls and palm tree decor. Ughh...and I'm going out of town this weekend. Yipes! So the last weekend of January - don't bother us! LOL! We will be busy painting, painting, painting. I'm starting to panic a little - although like everything else - I know it will get done. It's just so hard for me to plan what I need when I can't get everything out and organized. Needless to say, I'm getting antsy.

So I turned my endeavors elsewhere. I am ALMOST finished redecorating the bonus room - now official playroom. It looks so cute! We have an art corner with an easel and table and chairs, a dress up corner with tubs of jewelery and clothes and a mirror, and of course the train table and bookshelf. Once it's done I'll post some photos.

Other than that we've just been busy resting. Jensen started swim lessons on Saturday and did GREAT! She is such a fish! I am going to try to get her in instructor led classes when I'm out on maternity leave. I think she'll do really well. She was doing great using her arms, legs, and putting her face in this week. We just need to work on floating on her back. But she'll get it. She also had her first sleepover here on Saturday night. She's gone to Abi's but Abi came to our house and they had a blast. Jensen was so excited and those girls just played and played without any interruption! I was so proud of them! Jensen only got a little possessive over the new doll house but that's to be expected with a new toy I guess.

Baby Harper is doing great. I've been at the doctor every other week so far this month. She's quite the mover. She's constantly moving around and when the doctor listens to her heartbeat it's always interrupted by her kicking something. She's starting to find my rib cage which is oh so much fun. Marc and I are a little worried that she's going to be running us ragged! Ha ha! Jensen was so mellow...I'm thinking we may have our hands full with this one! But other than that she's doing great...we're measuring on time and have no issues. I am swelling constantly - oh the fun - and am starting to really slow down. This weekend especially I could tell that it takes a lot more energy to do small things. I think naps will be in future again soon!

I'm heading to California this weekend to go to a baby shower for my good friend Jenny. She's due one month ahead of me (EXACTLY!). So it will be nice to see everyone and visit with Jen to see how she's holding up. Then I'm home for the duration...I keep thinking that things will really hit me in February. I just need to remember that February is in TWO weeks! Yipes!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

28 weeks 4 days

WOW! So that month went fast! Sorry for the lack of updates. I updated one day and then my computer crashed and ate it and then...well Christmas came!

Christmas was a whirlwind. We started off going on The Polar Express in Hood River. Jensen had a blast and was enchanted with the whole experience. It was so much fun! I can't wait to go again in a few years. Then we were quite the party animals with a baby shower, a Santa party, and a Christmas party. All gearing up for Hurricane Herman which arrived a few days before Christmas. We had such a great time having everyone up here. Christmas Eve we had 30 people here for dinner and drinks! It was so wonderful! We are so blessed.

Jensen was so excited that Santa actually came and brought her a doll house! She loved all her new toys (and boy did she get SPOILED!). She's still finding new things to play with. She does miss her playmates though - she got to play with someone all the time when her aunties and Mimi and Granddad were here. So we are now trying to adjust to "normal" life. At least for the time being.

As for Baby Harper - she's doing well. Very happy that Mommy is starting to slow down a bit. I only gained one pound last month with all the craziness but I keep getting bigger! She's moving all time - she's getting long for I can feel her on both sides and up in the ribs now. I'm shocked that I'm already in my 3rd trimester and that I go out on maternity leave in two and a half months! What the heck? (To quote Jensen's new little phrase!) This weekend we're going to get paint colors and to look for a new light fixture for Harper's room. I think we'll start painting next weekend. It shouldn't be too hard right?? I mean we've done it before. Then again we've done it without having a 2.5 year old who loves to help!

We're also starting to check out preschools for Jensen for the fall. I can't believe it's January and I'm already thinking about sending my baby to school, but they fill up fast and I want to be sure we find a good fit for her. So we have some appointments to check some things out this week. We'll see how it goes. She's going to be so excited to go to school like a big girl. Although I haven't broken it to her that she won't be taking the bus. I think she's going to be very sad about that. She's starting swimming lessons again this weekend and she's excited about that. I was going to wait but the next session will be impossible for me to go to considering we may be having a baby sometime in there. So she gets to go with the beached whale (aka ME!) for the next 6 weeks. It will be good to get her in the water again and she loves swimming so much. The more she's in the water and the more skills she gets now the better!

Anyway, that's about it for now. I PROMISE to update next week and post some Christmas pictures.

Oh by the way...I've been pregnant for 200 days. Just sayin'