Monday, October 25, 2010

18 weeks 3 days

Well it's official: Heartburn is back and I felt Bean kick! So I'll call the week a wash :)

The heartburn has started to kick in although not nearly as bad as last time. However, that could be due to the fact that I just remember the end...and it was terrible at the end. But alas, it's here and the Tums are on the desk, the counter, and any where within reach. It does seem to flare up more at work these days since that's kind of a disaster - but I won't bore you with those details. Tums are just now a staple of the diet - that nice chalky dessert to accompany the most delicious meal.

But more importantly, BEAN is a movin' and a groovin'! After a busy day of errands and finally getting Jensen down for her nap I sat on the couch for a much needed sample of some Halloween candy. And Bean couldn't have been happier. I felt the tap, tap, tap of thanks on my upper belly. Ah the sweet feeling of satisfaction. Nothing can top it - unless it's another Milky Way and hopes of more. But that is about all I've felt so far. There seem to be more and more flutters and "is that what I think it is?" moments but nothing as concrete as the sugar high. (Trust me - I keep ingesting said Halloween candy in hopes of more evidence of a highly trained dancer in my belly but nothing. That doesn't mean I won't keep trying!)

We are now only 11 days away from determining if we're on Team Pink or Team Blue. I'm still siding with Team Pink. I just have that feeling...but surprises do happen. (Then again, you do know my family history right??) So we'll see...I just can't believe that I will be half way there soon. Half way to a bottle of wine! I mean, half way to a sweet loving little baby!! Wow, that just slipped in there!

This weekend we got Jensen her full size mattress for her big BIG girl bed. I also ordered her bedding so it should all be here in the next few weeks. I'm hoping to have it all put together by Thanksgiving. She's very excited to have a big bed...but I think she thinks that means she can eat breakfast in there and watch tv like she did at Mimi and Granddad's house. I think she'll be a little disappointed when that doesn't come true. But she'll survive. Santa will make sure she behaves...these next two months are going to be great using that one! We won't start working on Bean's nursery until after Christmas. My family is coming up this year so we are keeping the guest room around until after the holidays.

I think I'm rambling because I don't want to go back to work. Maybe I'll get some candy and see what I can make Bean do next! Until next week...Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

17 weeks 4 days!

Holy cow...I thought I was 16 weeks 4 days :) Ooops! Time flies I guess. I can't believe that in 2 1/2 weeks I'll be half way there. That just doesn't even seem possible!

I spent last week in California with Jensen and the family. Dad had his prostate removed to get rid of that icky cancer and is now CANCER FREE!!!! YIPPEE! We are all so relieved and it's so great to see him doing so well. He's been doing amazing and recovery is going well. I thought I'd be playing nurse for at least a few days - but no. He's doing just fine on his own :)

So while in California it was hotter than blazes. I mean upper 90's hot. Who does that in October when you're pregnant and have very few choices in clothing? We survived but are very happy to be home and back in jeans, boots, and sweaters.

Bean is doing well - not much going on there. I'm getting bigger every day but still haven't felt the little one. I know it's right around the corner but I can't wait. That's when it all feels so real. I helped my friend Jen navigate through Babies R Us while in Pleasanton and it was so fun! It's so exciting to see all the little things you are going to need again. Of course it also scares the pants off me thinking about 2:00 am feedings and bottles, and diaper bags, and diapers, and did I mention 2:00 am feedings??? I don't think I will sleep any more between Jensen waking up to go potty and the new baby I'll be lucky to get in a few hours in a row! Eeek! But like my friend said - at least this time we actually KNOW it's temporary! And at some point we get some of our life back.

That's all for to work and Marc's 37th birthday! We're in for a day of celebration - pumpkin patch, Chinese food, and homemade chocolate caramel truffle cake. Yum!

Friday, October 1, 2010

15 weeks


So - my week of rest is officially over! Woo hoo! I do not do well "resting" and I can't imagine what bed rest would be like. I would go insane! So here's to making sure Bean stays nice and healthy in there and doesn't make Mommy sit on her butt all day!

I went to the doctor today - Bean is doing well and was rather active while we were listening to his/her heart beat. Jensen was there and wasn't too sure what to make of the heart beat. She kept asking if the baby was going to come out now. Poor kid has a LOOOOONG wait!

I made all my appointments from now until my due date...which is so weird. November 5th is our BIG ultrasound! Yippee! It will be here before we know it! I can't believe how fast things are going this time around. I keep forgetting how far along I am too...geez. But now that I can start working out again maybe I'll regain a little more energy (and brain power?? NO??) as I will need it now that it's October.

We're happy Bean is doing well and growing right on schedule. Until next time - Happy Fall!