Yay - so close!!! Yet so far away. BUT only 5 more weeks of work! Woo hoo! Let's hope Miss Harper stays put until at least then. I have WAY too much to do between now and then.
So I didn't post last week because...our furniture arrived and it was ALL damaged! *%* I was pissed. The crib holes were drilled wrong, there was a chip out of the tall dresser and the long dresser had the foot on the side. I mean really? Didn't you at least look at it before you loaded the truck??? So needless to say, they took it back and we're scheduled for another delivery on Monday. The room got painted and it looks great! The light has been hung up too...oh and I completely changed my mind on bedding. Did I mention that last time? We are going a different direction and I'm so excited about it! I can't wait to get it all put together and to show you all! Yay! Harper is going to love - I just know it!
Speaking of...I had some contractions this week! Talk about weird. I got some Braxton Hicks on Sunday night and then Monday night I totally over did it dancing with Jensen and got them again. I sat down but needed to put her to bath and bed so I kept going. By the time I got settled again I was having menstrual like cramps that moved from the front to the back. It took me all day Tuesday (with having cramps all day and having a few move to my back) to realize what these were! LOL! I am so set that this time will be like it was with Jensen and I'll be induced because like my mom my babies like to cook, that I can't even wrap my brain around spontaneous labor! So I guess it's a good thing. The doctor said not to worry about it - just means my body is getting ready. Although the doctor did say that if my water did break to be prepared for only 4-5 hours of labor as Jensen came pretty fast after my water broke - and these second ones tend to come faster. So we'll see! I'm trying to take it easy and make sure I get plenty of water (although I'm sick of water right now! Bleh!).
This weekend I'm going shopping to get a few more things for the nursery - another lamp, some bins and picture frames etc. So that should be fun. We're also going to take Jensen on a Family Valentine's Lunch Date on Sunday to see Gnomeo & Juliet and have lunch. She's very excited (she mentioned popcorn at least a dozen times!).
I'll post pictures hopefully early next week. Let's all cross our fingers that my furniture arrives unscathed!
Happy Friday!